09 February 2010

This takes the cake!

SM is small for her age - she weighs approx. 7.5 kg at 12 months. She is just starting to get interested in eating solids, after being adamant that she wanted nothing of it these past few months. My dr. is very unhappy about it. I think (scratch that, I know) she thinks that if I only tried harder SM would eat more. She also wants me to wean SM and start her drinking cow's milk. Which seems counter-intuitive, because nursing is the only reliable way SM will get nutrition at this point. At least that!

Every time I go in to get her weighed, she gives me the homo milk shpiel and asks me how it's going trying to get her to drink the milk. Not very successful is my response :) In any event, on Friday I got an invoice from the Dr for SM's visit. Reason: apparantly my health care is no longer valid. Which makes sense if it's MY health care -- I just recently got a new visa and didn't realise I had to submit it. But for SM?? She's Canadian! She shouldn't have a problem. I gave them a call and they confirmed, that yes, of course they had billed the visit in SM's name and yes, her health care was still valid. But, I was also being invoiced because... apparantly the dr had noted down... 'maternal concerns over homo milk'... Nice! Not only do I have to listen to that, but now I have to pay for it too??

(The good news is that at least now I have health care)

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