18 December 2006

Chanuka Same'ach!

Dovid is really enjoying Chanuka this year. He made his own menora, which he lights next to Daddys. He loves singing Chanuka songs, his favorite songs are 'dreidel, dreidel, dreidel' and sevivon, sov sov sov! and he also likes to dance to Maoz sur. He was delighted to call his grandparents to wish them a 'happy chanuka'

05 December 2006

19 October 2006

I'm a Big Brother!

It's a girl!!! Welcome to the world! Baby being weighed 3160 g.

Can you tell I have an older brother?

Dovid meeting his new sister.

Baby has the best big brother in the world!

16 October 2006

14 October 2006

Sleeping Beauty

Who's the sleeping beauty? Dovid or his bear?

17 September 2006

Moving Again...

At least someone enjoyed the move!

28 August 2006

Back Home!

Back at home again, Dovid is lining up his toys on the balcony to show them the view (of cars and dogs down below!)

26 August 2006


Grandchildren are for spoiling...

Wow! More cars and more cars! (can you tell what Dovid's favorite toys are?)

24 August 2006


Dovid in his element, with water!

What a cute family!

10 August 2006


At the 'Dutch-design' hotel.

Dovid enjoying himself at the restaurant.

08 August 2006

Who Said Airports Weren't Fun?

At the airport in Innsbruck, Austria.

06 August 2006

Picking Flowers

Sports Champion

Dovid, our billiards champion.

And our ping-pong champ!

03 August 2006

Taking a Break

Dovid taking a break and sitting on the wall during a walk in Pfunds, Austria.

30 July 2006

Ahem ...

There's nothing quite like self-service... As I was preparing lunch, Dovid climbed onto the table to help himself to some grapes.

27 July 2006

You Can't Catch Me!

How much trouble can it be to buy Dovid new shoes? Not much, I thought. That was until we got to the shoe shop. As soon as I let Dovid out of the buggy, he had a field day, running around the shop, and making me chase him around all the shoe stands... And, boy is he fast!

17 July 2006

Cousins having fun!

Dovid and Brocha having fun together in the paddling pool.

Bon Appetite!

25 June 2006

Kiss Me!

Yesterday as Dovid was playing with my pots, he caught his finger in between two pots. He said ouch, so I gave him a kiss on his finger. After that he repeatedly stuck his hand in between the pots, and then gave me his hand for another kiss!

22 June 2006

Words, Words and More Words

Dirty, scared, shoh (it's hot), cole (cold), Imu (for Mummy, don't even ask where he picked up that word from!), Daddy are just some of the words Dovid is saying. Dovid has started to copy lots and lots of words, and b'h his vocabulary is increasing by leaps and bounds!

He gets lots of enjoyment from his ABC picture book and is able to find the rabbit, dog, banana, baby and other pictures in the book.

Splash! That's Dovid the scientist at work, testing the hypothesis that 'water in a cup will spill if overturned'. He's nothing if not thorough, and determined to double and triple test this hypothesis under all circumstances and in all situations, and then again, because you can never be sure, can you?

06 June 2006

All in a Day's Work

Where's Dovid?
Dovid pulled the chair over to the sink, took some clean dishes from the draining board and dunked them into the little bit of water left at the bottom of the washing up bowl... Well, at least the floor got a wash.

Little angel!

Dancing to the music.

This is Fun!

Post-Purim Cleanup

Dovid helping with the post-purim cleanup.


Boxes make good climbing frames!

And now for some relaxation after all that hard work packing.

Karate Kid!

28 May 2006

Weight Watchers here we come!

Boy, we haven't updated here for ages, so here are some of the best pictures:

Well, that's not a bad weight considering... Any time I want to weigh myself, Dovid always jumps on the scale too, so that I can't weigh myself. Oh well!

I'm just like my mummy, speaking on the phone while I'm busy cooking!

Please don't disturb the artist at work.

Can you figure out what he is doing? Post your thoughts! A reward will be given to the correct answer!

08 February 2006

A Lot of Kindness From a Little Boy

Looking through the postings of the blog, I've noticed how they tend to focus on the mischief and mayhem that Dovid causes as he goes about learning and growing up. But it's not all mischief, lately some of his curiousity and cuteness has manifested itself in some adorable acts of kindness.

As I was hanging out the laundry a couple of weeks ago, he stood by the washing machine and rather than throwing the washing around, he handed me each item of clothing to hang up. Then we went to the makolet where there was a baby sitting in his buggy, I'm busy getting the stuff I need together and as I come back, I see him offering the baby a packet of nosh!

Ok, he is still Dovid - his favourite toy is still the computer. He loves the mouse, banging it around and chasing it's tail seems to be endlessly fascinating for him. (It's the second mouse he's broken, I gave him one of the old broken mice, let's see if that helps the situation...)

Yesterday as I was making a soup for supper, he took out all the tins from the cupboard and he built a tower, which was almost as tall as himself (picture coming soon). Guess what his second word is? "More more more" as in "more food mum!" He goes through phases of his favourite food. Last week I made the mistake of bringing Cheerios into the house. So it was Cheerios for breakfast, Cheerios for morning snack, Cheerios for lunch, Cheerios for afternoon snack, Cheerios for supper and Cheerios in between until finally, b'h, the Cheerios were finished... (It took him awhile to mourn the fact that they were gone). On Shabbos it was cucumbers! Go figure!

Yesterday we were in a shop and Dovid spotted some stuffed-animals, he managed to grab one of the shelf and cuddled it tightly! He also bought me a present, he was in the trolley and he pushed the trolley so that he was near the isle, he took a box of sweets of the shelf (the type with the plastic covering that is really tough to open) opened the box and caught my attention by shaking the box so that all the sweets scattered across the shop. Well, he chose the present (even if I did pay for it.)

On Shabbos, Zvi Yehuda and Yechiel came for the Friday night meal. When Dovid heard the door open and heard his Daddy's voice, he ran excitedly to the door, singing his happy song (as he does), but then he stopped in horror when he realised that there were two strangers behind his Daddy, poor boy.

28 January 2006

It's Been a While ...

It's been a while since we last posted, but it's not because Dovid hasn't been busy doing stuff... In fact he has been keeping us very busy!!!

Dovid saying 'shsh'.

Dovid joining his Daddy for lunch!

We were on our way out, when Dovid took the green bowl off his highchair table, put it on the box and helped himself to a snack!

No I did not help him up there...
or up there!
Our new secretary!