31 December 2005

Having a Ball!


At that beautiful face...

Fun, Fun and More Fun

Catching bubbles.
At the park.
Yes, that is the kitchen sink. Dovid likes to climb into the sink when we wash his hands.


I give up!


This one's for you!

29 December 2005


So what's Dovid's first word? Not Mummy, not Daddy, not even food ... but 'No!' as in 'Dovid should we change your nappy?' 'no no no' or 'Dovid please come out of the bath' 'no no no'.

Yes, Dovid is definately getting bigger, he can feed himself with a spoon, although when he gets impatient, he holds the spoon in one hand and uses the other hand to put the food in his mouth. He still likes us to feed him from time to time, although I suspect it is only an excuse to play his game. The game goes like this, I put the food on the spoon, he then takes the spoon from my hand, puts the food in his mouth and flings the spoon across the room. Hmm, I actually don't find this game so much fun, his delighted giggles seems to suggest that he does...

Yesterday, I turned around for a moment, and I found him jumping on a chair! He had climbed up on the chair and was gleefully jumping up and down. He then climbed onto the chair in front of the computer and started playing with the computer (read: smashing on the screen and banging the keyboards). Don't ask me how but I caught him in the process of installing a program onto the computer. This morning I was washing the dishes, when the silence caught my suspicions, I rushed into the living room to find him on the table playing with the menorah!

22 December 2005

Mummy's Helper

My big helper, sweeping the floor...

Dovid's New Job

I took the brownies (Chocolate Lovers Truffle Brownies, Kosher By Design) out of the fridge to cut them... Dovid was much faster than me, before I could say chocolate, he had grabbed a handful from the tin, sat down on the floor, and ate it. Were they good Dovid?

Nope, it's not the camera that's blurry, it's Dovid running with the bin - his all time favourite toy...
Aww.. so handsome!

Fun in the Morning

I have no idea what he is doing, although I wish I had a QUARTER of the energy he has in the morning!
Forbidden fruits...

Doesn't he look like an innocent angel... Well, looks are _____!

It's Daddy and Dovid!

Dovid's turning into a little bookworm... wonder where he gets it from... He brings us his books, 'uh uh uh uh! (read: 'read it to me now!'). He loves looking at the pictures and having them read to him.

I'm helping Mummy sort through the clothing. I wonder why she doesn't seem to appreciate me emptying the box for her...

Here Comes Trouble...

Dovid takes much delight in his new skill of walking. Why it means he can now use both hands to grab the computer mouse, unravel the toilet roll, empty the kitchen cupboards etc.

We thought Dovid would enjoy having his own sized chairs to sit on; he does enjoy sitting on them... and climbing on them and jumping on them and using them to look out of the window...

30 November 2005

14 November 2005


Dina and Dovid playing cutely together.

Yes, that is his highchair in the background and yes the distance between Dovid and his highchair does seem to suggest that he isn't actually sitting in it. But he was ... until he saw the drink on the table

12 November 2005

Let Me Out!

Dovid has discovered the freedom of the great outdoors, and he wants it! He stands by the front door and crys piteously to be let out. If the front door is open, even for a couple of seconds, he grabs his opportunity and is out before you can blink.

03 November 2005

Look Mum, No Hands

Dovid is walking, and mighty proud of himself too! He toddles around the house with a huge grin and claps for himself.

28 October 2005

Tigger Takes Charge of the Airport

And we thought he would sleep in the airport...

27 October 2005

London Here We Come

The Way There
Well, in actual fact, by the time I am writing this post we have been to London and come back already. In fact we've practically recovered from it ...

The flight there was certainly eventful. We were worried that Dovid would get excruciatingly bored on the flight, so we took some toys with for him to play with on the flight. He had other ideas about entertaining himself... like flinging his dummy into some poor guys unsuspecting lap ... and throwing his rice down the seat in front of him (yes, there was someone sitting there!) Well that kept him occupied for about 10 minutes...


With Brocha Smith (4 months) in Glasgow. Dovid found his younger cousin fascinating. Especially her eyes... He kept stealing her dummies, and once almost took a swig from her bottle (shh! don't tell Yoel or Chaya Meryl). He was really sweet with her, and would go and give her toys to play with.

Brocha with her proud Daddy!

When you don't have your toys with you, improvise!

Dovid with his proud Daddy!

Our 'luggage' on the trolley in Glasgow Prestwick airport. (Brocha's in the car seat) Funnily enough, Dovid much prefered being squashed into the top of the trolley than sitting comfortably in his buggy, well, if it works... B'h Dovid enjoyed the flights to and from Glasgow much more than the flight to London. On the way there he had his 'own' seat (there was a spare one) and he sat and played with his toys and looked out the window.

Back in London

Back in London, Dovid discovered the best toys in the bathtub - netilayas yedayim cups! He happily spent a half hour pouring the water from one cup to the other, and onto the bathroom floor and Mummy. Oh and bathwater makes a tasty drink...

With an adoring audience, Dovid became a little performer (well actually he was the star peformer). He fed Pinchas (where did the matza go?). He would laugh, giggle and make funny faces all to catch someone's attention. In the morning he would crawl up the stairs and barge into his favorite babysitters' bedroom (which was actually the middle of the night for them - sorry!) and would cry miserably when he was taken out.

... And Back

We thought the flight on the way there was bad... well, that was until the way back. We took a night flight and Dovid slept all of 20 minutes the entire travel time from when we left Hendon until we got into the sherut at Ben Gurion, and it wasn't because he wasn't tired. So what did he do the entire trip? Well some of the time he spent crawling up and down the isle (yes, it was singular!), some of the time playing (aka showing off) with the girls sitting behind us (b'h they were so nice and didn't complain), some of the time pulling the guy-in-front's hair and most of the time miserable because he was overtired but he couldn't fall asleep.

17 September 2005


Things to do, people to call!

Helping... ?

Mummy's so busy cooking for Shabbos, let me help her. (That's his baby cereal, sprinkled all over the floor.)

I create so much dirty laundry, it's only fair that I help Mummy do a load. While I'm at it, some of my toys could do with a wash, so in they go.