15 February 2010


Shabbos in Edmonton was amazing -- as usual. D and HM had a wonderful time playing with the other kids. We stayed with a family who have twin 4.5 yr old boys and it was cute to see how D became friends with one of them, and HM with the other, although they all played together. If that makes any sense :)

On Shabbos D told me that he wants to go and play with M. I was surprised that he remembered M from when we had been in Edmonton in November well enough to want to go and play with him again. But I shouldn't have been -- he has an incredible memory!
Watching the sealion show.
We took the kids to crazy golf, it was a lot of fun until the 6th hole. At which point a few little people, who shall remain nameless, got very restless. As you can see the hug in the picture above wasn't necessarily mutually enjoyable. 'Nuff said!

Now for the not so fun part of the trip... On the way back, first SM threw up, then HM threw up all over herself and her carseat -- we had to pull over and clean them both up -- TG for babywipes and chinooks :) We got home and HM threw up a couple more times. In the morning we woke up to find the couch in D's room COVERED in vomit. I hope they all feel better really soon!

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