Dovid is 5 now and a big brother all the way!! He is caring and protective of his sisters ... when he isn't teasing them mercilessly... oy! He loves to draw and learn! Right now he is drawing a picture of Daddy and Dovid -- Daddy has a giant head with giant eyes! He's my little tzadik -- it's amazing to hear his emunah! The other day he told me, after he had heard us discussing going to Israel for the BIL's wedding -- Im Yirtzeh Hashem the tickets will be cheap, then later he asked me 'Did you find cheap tickets yet?' He is very excited about the wedding!!!

Hadassa is 3 and I can hardly believe how big she is! Her hair is slowly, ever so slowly growing back after her big haircut (courtesy of her older brother). It was a really thorough haircut... down to the scalp in some places. It happened on a Shabbos afternoon, no less, I was putting the baby to sleep -- very grateful that D and HM were keeping quiet downstairs. You'd think after 5 years I would KNOW that a quiet child is not a good thing, and two quiet children is even worse... Sure enough, D came rushing into my room, Look at HM's hair... ARGH!
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