Every time I go in to get her weighed, she gives me the homo milk shpiel and asks me how it's going trying to get her to drink the milk. Not very successful is my response :) In any event, on Friday I got an invoice from the Dr for SM's visit. Reason: apparantly my health care is no longer valid. Which makes sense if it's MY health care -- I just recently got a new visa and didn't realise I had to submit it. But for SM?? She's Canadian! She shouldn't have a problem. I gave them a call and they confirmed, that yes, of course they had billed the visit in SM's name and yes, her health care was still valid. But, I was also being invoiced because... apparantly the dr had noted down... 'maternal concerns over homo milk'... Nice! Not only do I have to listen to that, but now I have to pay for it too??
(The good news is that at least now I have health care)
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