I took a look at this blog and realised that I have been very very negligent. I haven't updated since summer of 2008! According to this blog Sarah Miriam hasn't even been born yet ... :( I'm not sure where to go from here -- how do you go about updating the last 18 months of life??
The most important thing is the birth of Sarah Miriam!! Which, amongst other things, means that this blog is no longer called Dovid & Hadassa Malka! And it is too long to call it Dovid, Hadassa Malka & Sarah Miriam... so I need to think of a new name for this blog... Any ideas??

IT's A GIRL!! In true Ross tradition she's wearing a blue blanket! Dovid was given a pink blanket in the hospital, HM was wearing a blue hat (that's the one DH got ready for her before she was born -- at which point I KNEW she was going to be a girl). SM I was absolutely sure was going to be a boy. The pregnancy was so similar to Dovid (easier than HM) and the labour and birth was so similar that I was convinced she was a boy, so much so that my doula asked me in the hospital 'Do you know what you are having?' and I told her 'We didn't find out, but I KNOW it's a boy' :)
More later! Meanwhile, reply to the thread with suggestions for the new name :)
How about "The Gr8 Life"?
I 2nd Zeph's suggestion...
- elisheva
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