10 May 2010

He's good for my ego!

The other day the kids were being... well, kids!! D saw me close my eyes and whisper something - so he asked, inquisitively, what were you saying. At first I didn't answer but then thought why not and told him that I had been davening. I guess he realised it wasn't 'formal' tefilla - so he asked me what I had been davening for.

I told him that I asked Hashem for help to be a good mommy (and to be patient with this exhausting, exuberant, delightful bunch!!). He thought about it for a moment and the conversation seemed to be over... A couple of minutes later he piped up and said...

DRUMROLL, please...

'But you are a good mommy already - you're always nice to us'

Ah, if I could frame a moment like that :)

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