With Brocha Smith (4 months) in Glasgow. Dovid found his younger cousin fascinating. Especially her eyes... He kept stealing her dummies, and once almost took a swig from her bottle (shh! don't tell Yoel or Chaya Meryl). He was really sweet with her, and would go and give her toys to play with.
Brocha with her proud Daddy!
When you don't have your toys with you, improvise!
Our 'luggage' on the trolley in Glasgow Prestwick airport. (Brocha's in the car seat) Funnily enough, Dovid much prefered being squashed into the top of the trolley than sitting comfortably in his buggy, well, if it works... B'h Dovid enjoyed the flights to and from Glasgow much more than the flight to London. On the way there he had his 'own' seat (there was a spare one) and he sat and played with his toys and looked out the window.
Back in London
Back in London, Dovid discovered the best toys in the bathtub - netilayas yedayim cups! He happily spent a half hour pouring the water from one cup to the other, and onto the bathroom floor and Mummy. Oh and bathwater makes a tasty drink...
With an adoring audience, Dovid became a little performer (well actually he was the star peformer). He fed Pinchas (where did the matza go?). He would laugh, giggle and make funny faces all to catch someone's attention. In the morning he would crawl up the stairs and barge into his favorite babysitters' bedroom (which was actually the middle of the night for them - sorry!) and would cry miserably when he was taken out.
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