Look at this exciting new car I got! Thanks Savta!
What is that strange thing in front of Daddy and Mummy's face all the time?
Such white teeth.
Wow!!! So many toys!!! But why does Mummy keep taking them away and putting them in cupboards? (He's 'helping' me put the shopping away. Well... helping by keeping himself busy inspecting the shopping anyway.)
Aren't I cute when I sit?
Who's bigger than who...?
I can sit! (and make a big noise with my toys... bang... bang... bang...!)
18 June 2005
Cute Dovid
Zooming around the house with just a towel on!
No this one!
This one!
Who's a handsome boy?
Yes I am as cheeky as I look!
I can stand!
Exploring the bathroom
Oh so cute!
Another cute picture!
What a gorgeous smile (again!)
Helping myself to lunch! (Yes he is in the fridge!)
Our lovely family, August 09, missing the photographer, DH :)
This is a window into our life :) Primarily for family and friends that I live so far away from and am so negligent in keeping in touch with (as are they... hint, hint) But for anyone else that appreciates my writing too. :)
Enjoy, and I love to get comments -- then I don't feel as if I am talking to myself.